Dalam pelatihan ini, peserta akan mempelajari cara dasar pengoperasian software untuk perhitungan elemen structural & arsitektural dalam software TAS C & TRB C.
Hari Pertama – TAS
09.30 – 09.45 Introduction • Welcome the participants, get to know their background.
• Participant to fill attendance form.
• BIM introduction and what solutions TRB&TAS have to offer.
• TAS Interface Introduction
09.45 – 10.00 Training Explanation • What items covered in the training, what end results will be produced.
• Drawing explanation (type of building, how many levels, room functions).
• Software’s User Interface explanation:
– options
– bim model, (type of files, export import)
– identify, draw, calculate menu
– elements, element list, attribute, drawing managers
– draw, select, command at bottom, press esc/right click
– view (adjacent floor, other floor, whole building)
– inform about interoperability between TAS, TRB, and TBQ
• Flow chart of modelling
10.00 – 10.35 Floor settings & Gridlines • Set floor settings, concrete grade, rebar weight
• Input axis gridline for modelling with auto identification, teach them manually (with new simple grid system)
10.35 – 11.00 Model Preparation • Explain what type of files that can be imported to the software, and how to prepare the files before imported (By using Cubic files or TAS/TRB Files)
• Input CAD files structure and architectural, split drawings
11.00 – 11.20 Making Structure Plans • Relocate all drawing to the axis grid
• How to Switch plans level, explain about the view menu
Modelling Foundation Floor
11.20 – 11.40 Model pile cap • Auto-identification
• Explain parametric (inequilateral) and rectangular pile cap
• Inform about “F4” to change insertion point which also can be applied by other element
• How to change pile cap elevation and explain about Public Attribute and Private Attribute
• Change pile cap thickness in attribute editor
11.40 – 12.00 Model Column • Define rectangular column, draw column manually with point
• Explain how to rotate column
• Change level of bottom elevation
• Copy to other grids, mirror
12.00 – 13.30 Lunch Break
13.30 – 13.50 Tie beam modelling • Draw beam using Line drawing method for dummy beam around raft
• Make beam element list for TB1&TB2
• Auto-identify beam
13.50 – 14.20 Basement Wall and Shear Wall modelling • Auto identify basement wall
• Scale cad Shearwall drawing and create 3d model manually by using Irregular Wall method
14.20 – 14.50 Raft & slab modelling • Create raft element RF-1 (2500) and slab BS-1
• Create BS-1 & Raft 3d model using Rectangular drawing
• Convert BS-1 to slab, delete BS-1 from raft element list
14.50 – 15.20 Basement Wall and Shear Wall modelling • Continue drawing shearwall 3D model
15.20 – 15.35 Short Break
15.35 – 15.50 Level 1 Column & Shear wall modelling • Copy entity to other floor using Draw Menu > Copy Entity to Other Floor
15.50 – 16.05 Level 1 Column size update • Update column size according to Basement Floor Column Schedule
16.05 – 16.35 Beam modelling • Identify excel (completed all type & dimension)
• Draw Beam 3d model for quarter side (left wing area) of the drawing using manual method (draw primary beam first then secondary beam, axis to axis) and the beam balcony area with By Cad Line function
• Then draw the rest of 3d beam using Auto Identify method
• Revised and change the element list beam type according to Beam Detail for the dimension and naming (delete unwanted element of beam from element list) can use Beam Identification Check function
• Connect each (extend) of the beam edge to another beam/column to added the support point when later to be imported to TRB
16.35 – 17.10 Slab modelling • Auto identify slab label & extend slab
• Make slab opening for the void area and shaft
• Revise unwanted slab element in the slab element list and change to the proper type of slab from the Slab Detail
• Make drop (split, and then edit top elevation)
• set variable section
Hari Kedua – TAS
09.30 – 09.40 Review on 1st day training • Review training materials
Modelling Typical Tower Floor
09.40 – 10.10 Measurement Rules • Calculate, explain view expression in column, beam, and slab element, what quantity we get for concrete element (discuss daily method)
• Explain how to change Measurement Rules in TAS (example case slab vs column) & discuss the result
• Explain extent slab
10.10 – 10.30 Masonry Walls, Curtain Walls and Railing modelling • Auto identify masonry wall, rename and change the material of each wall (masonry and concrete)
• Draw curtain an railing wall manually using line Drawing method, draw to the middle of the drawing and then Mirror the rest curtain wall and railing (create example first of using the lift wing area of the drawing)
• For separation line make example also in left wing area of the drawing in selected room area
10.30 – 11.00 Door and Window Opening modelling • Identify Door element using Identify Element from Excel (excel provided)
• Place the door manually based on the Floor Finished drawing location using Point Drawing method and explain that the door is automatically placed align with the wall, and include lintel and stiffener
• Because limited duration of training so make example of area that the door will be placed, if they want they can complete all later
• Make example for door window opening on the left wing area of the drawing
11.00 – 11.30 Room Modelling • Import excel for room definition, model with point, auto process gap, rectify floor finish.
• Explain room layout setting
• Use of enclose feature to close the gap of element wall (example)
• Use autogenerate stiffener to add more stiffener in the opening area or every determined length span of wall
• Create lintel element list and use autoarrange Lintel to add lintel for every opening of wall and window
11.30 – 12.00 Drop Ceiling Modelling • Explain how to make different ceiling level & define vertical surface
12.00 – 13.30 Lunch Break
13.30 – 13.50 Calculate & View Quantity • Explain the output from TAS, Volume of concrete, formwork, and finishing from View Quantity by Category and all of it can be export to Excel
• Explain Reversely Check Model function
13.50 – 14.00 View Expression • Explain the result of View expression for architectural elements
14.00 – 14.20 Measurement Setting • Make example of the application of measurement setting by using wall finish element (custom finish)
14.20 – 14.40 New Feature: Segmentation • Explain segmentation function that can be choose by 3 different type (Construction Zone, Progress Claim, Subcontracting) and show the how to create the segmentation and output of the segmentation in Quantity (create example for segmentation using Construction Zone function)
14.40 – 15.20 Export TAS Model • Explain how TAS model can be exported to TRB
15.20 – 15.35 Short Break
15.35 – 16.35 TAS Quiz
Hari Ketiga – TRB
09.30 – 09.40 Review on 2nd day training material • Participants to fill attendance form
09.40 – 10.10 Explain TRB Tools and Function • Short Explanation about difference Tools and Function in the TRB compare to TAS (Calculation Rules, Rebar Data Check, Project Setting Rebar Tools)
10.00 – 10.30 Import 3D model TAS and Add • Import 3d model from TAS and add structure drawing in the drawing manager to use the Structure Detail and Plan drawing to get rebar information
10.30 – 10.50 Input Pile Cap Rebar • Input pile cap rebar data using Attribute Editor
• Setting deduction of slab rebar into pile cap in attribute editor
• Setting concrete cover in attribute editor
10.50 – 11.10 Input Raft Foundation Rebar • Input raft foundation rebar using parametric drawing for continuous rebar
• Input raft foundation rebar using Draw line to arrange for extra bar (must use raft foundation raft foundation rebar plan)
11.10 – 11.50 Input Column Rebar • Input column rebar using Identify Rebar form Excel (excel provided) Basement Floor and Typical Floor
• Explain part of rebar input (all main bar, link, legs) and the arrangement of writing procedure of rebar information
• Explain dowel bar and main bar anchorage for continuous vertical rebar without dowel overlap in the basement floor
11.50 – 13.30 Friday Prayer for Muslim and Lunch Break
13.30 – 14.40 Input Beam Rebar • Check Beam 3d model that imported from TAS, explain the difference for scenario of 3d beam as example continuous drawing of 3d beam will have different result of rebar quantity with the uncontinuous one when calculated
• Change Basement Floor beam to Foundation Coupling Beam category
• Merge element & entity for separate beam
• Batch Identify Support so the rebar can be disperse into each of the span of beam & explain Beam support (add and delete beam support)
• Input beam rebar using Identify Rebar from Excel for Basement Floor and Typical Floor
• Copy span data as much as possible
• Use Beam Schedule to Sync Beam info to entity
14.40 – 15.00 Input Slab Rebar • Use Parametric Arrangement to input slab rebar (one way / two ways slab reinforcement) for Basement floor and Typical floor slab
15.00 – 15.20 Input RC Wall Rebar • Use Attribute editor to input RC wall rebar
• Explain dowel bar and main bar anchorage for continuous vertical rebar without dowel overlap in the basement floor
15.20 – 15.50 Input Shearwall Rebar • Input Shearwall Rebar element using Identify Column Section method by using Shearwall rebar cad drawing
• Copy Shearwall Entity from Basement Floor to Typical Floor
15.50 – 16.20 Calculate, View Quantity, Rebar Data Check, 3D Rebar, Edit Rebar, Rebar Layout • Recap, review, analyze result of TRB rebar quantity using various function in Tools and Quantity Menus
16.30 – 17.30 TRB Quiz
Online via Zoom/Google Meets/ Ms. Teams.
• Durasi pelatihan selama 3 hari fullday.
• Jadwal public training tersedia hari Rabu-Jumat setiap minggu.
• Rp 5.500.000 per peserta.
• Sudah termasuk : Modul, Trial Software TAS & TRB selama 2 minggu, Exam, Sertifikat (jika lulus).
• Belum termasuk : PPN 11%.