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Pelatihan Pembangkit Panas Bumi Geothermal

*International Certification by American Academy*



Compliance isn’t only about preventing problems and ensuring that everyone is abiding by laws, rules, and regulations. It’s also about the positive impact a robust and ethical compliance program can have on a business or organization.

In this course we will discuss why compliance is important – from the needs facing businesses in highly regulated industries to avoiding fines and penalties to preventing reputational and economic nightmares. We’ll examine real- world examples of compliance and governance failures and their impact, and consider strategies for avoiding similar situations in our own organizations. Participants be able to think about risk management in new ways and apply strategies to manage it.

In this course also, we’ll explore one of the key factors for creating a positive culture of compliance: human psychology. We’ll think about what drives us, what makes us pay attention, what distracts, and how all of these pieces help build a strong belief in an organizational culture of compliance.

We will examine formal compliance programs, diving into the nuances of how they are applied in practice. We’ll also explore the technologies, workflows, policies, monitoring, and training necessary to create a toolkit for designing an effective compliance program.

The AAPM® certification process, administered by GAFM Board, identifies to the public that those individuals who have been authorized to use the AAPM® certification marks in the globe have met rigorous professional standards and have agreed to adhere to the principles of integrity, objectivity, competence, fairness, confidentiality, professionalism and diligence when dealing with clients.

The course is enriched with actual compliance case studies which are aimed toward the enhancement of participants knowledge and the financial planning insights, and capability to cope with professional certification.



Upon completing this course, the participants shall benefits of the training such as:

  1. Definecompliance within an industry setting
  2. Describethe ways in which compliance affects any industry, company, or organization
  3. Identifythe reasons industries, companies, and organizations should engage in complianceExamine the importance of compliance in supporting the financial, reputational, and functional aspects of an industry, company, or organization
  4. Recognize strategies for building a culture of compliancewithin an organization
  5. Identifythe fundamental components of a compliance program
  6. Identifytechniques and methods for compliance management and provide psychological theories that explain why they are effective
  7. Devisestrategies for managing noncompliance and incident response
  8. Prepared to take the certification and examination fromAAPM and GAFM



  1. What is compliance?

What is compliance and why is it important? In this module, we answer those questions while also looking at some recent high-profile cases of non-compliance in the business world.

  1. Why is Compliance Important?

Non-compliance can have massive real-world implications for the general public, not just individuals directly related to a non-compliant company. In this module, we examine laws that specifically create compliance obligations, as well as the potential costs of non- compliance.

  1. Compliance & Risk

Every company and organization must deal with risk, and compliance is ultimately a vehicle to mitigate risk. This module explores the close relationship between compliance and risk management. We will analyze the ways in which compliance programs manage risk, as well as alternative forms of risk management.

  1. Developments in the Field of Compliance

This module highlights developments in the ever-evolving world of compliance, with special emphasis on recent trends in regulatory focus

  1. Building a Strong Compliance Culture

How do you actually implement a culture of compliance? This module looks at the key building blocks necessary to foster a culture of compliance within any organization.

  1. A Closer Look at the Essentials

Once the foundations of a strong compliance culture are in place, how do you disseminate that culture throughout an organization? This module examines the policies, procedures, and trainings necessary to create a compliant culture throughout an organization.

  1. The Psychology of Compliance

Compliance, at its heart, is a response to a human problem. If rules were enough, compliance and enforcement wouldn’t exist. This module explores the psychology behind why non-compliance happens and strategies for getting people to comply.

  1. Dealing With Non-Compliance

Even in organizations with top-notch compliance programs, non-compliance is as inevitable as death and taxes. This module explores strategies for dealing with non- compliance.



Metode Pelaksanaan Harga & Fasilitas
Opsi 1 –

Pelatihan Online & Sertifikasi Online

  • Training Online Rp 3.900.000 per peserta
  • Sertifikasi Online 500 USD per peserta
  • Minimal kuota 1 peserta dan bisa request tanggal
  • Pelaksanaan training selama 2 hari half day (08.00 – 12.00 WIB atau 13.00 – 17.00 WIB)
  • Pelaksanaan sertifikasi online selama 1 hari
  • Menggunakan aplikasi Zoom, Google Meet
  • Sudah Termasuk : Sertifikat Training Softfile & Hardfile, Pengiriman Sertifikat ke Alamat Peserta, Softfile Materi, Ujian Sertifikasi, Sertifikat AAPM, Gelar Internasional
  • Belum termasuk : PPN 11%
Opsi 2 –

Pelatihan Offline di Yogyakarta & Sertifikasi Online

  • Training Offline Rp 6.900.000 per peserta
  • Sertifikasi Online 500 USD per peserta
  • Minimal kuota 1 peserta dan bisa request tanggal
  • Pelaksanaan training selama 2 hari full day (08.00 – 16.00 WIB)
  • Tempat pelaksanaan :
  • Hotel El Royale, Yogyakarta ATAU
  • Hotel Malyabhara, Yogyakarta
  • Pelaksanaan sertifikasi online selama 1 hari
  • Sudah Termasuk : Meeting Room, Modul Training, Sertifikat Training, Training Kits, Lunch, Coffee Break, Ujian Sertifikasi, Sertifikat AAPM, Gelar Internasional
  • Belum termasuk : Penginapan dan Transportasi Peserta, PPN 11%
Opsi 3 –

Pelatihan Offline Luar Yogyakarta (Jakarta, Bandung, Surabaya, dll) + Sertifikasi Online

  • Training Offline Rp 7.900.000 per peserta
  • Sertifikasi Online 500 USD per peserta
  • Minimal kuota 2 peserta dan bisa request tanggal
  • Pelaksanaan training selama 2 hari full day (08.00 – 16.00 WIB)
  • Pilihan Tempat pelaksanaan :
  • Hotel Kimaya Braga, Bandung
  • Hotel Midtown, Surabaya
  • Hotel Asyana Kemayoran, Jakarta
  • Hotel Amaris Kemang, Jakarta
  • Hotel Ibis Simpang Lima, Semarang
  • Hotel Ibis, Solo
  • dll
  • Pelaksanaan sertifikasi online selama 1 hari
  • Sudah Termasuk : Meeting Room, Modul Training, Sertifikat Training, Training Kits, Lunch, Coffee Break, Ujian Sertifikasi, Sertifikat AAPM, Gelar Internasional
  • Belum termasuk : Penginapan dan Transportasi Peserta, PPN 11%
Opsi 4 –

Pelatihan Offline Luar Pulau Jawa (Lombok, Bali, Balikpapan, dll) + Sertifikasi Online

  • Training Offline Rp 8.900.000 per peserta
  • Sertifikasi Online 500 USD per peserta
  • Minimal kuota 2 peserta dan bisa request tanggal
  • Pelaksanaan training selama 2 hari full day (08.00 – 16.00 WIB)
  • Pilihan Tempat pelaksanaan :
  • Hotel Ibis Kuta, Bali
  • Hotel Nagoya Plaza, Batam
  • Hotel Fave, Balikpapan
  • Hotel Aston, Manado
  • Hotel Lombok Raya, Mataram
  • dll
  • Pelaksanaan sertifikasi online selama 1 hari
  • Sudah Termasuk : Meeting Room, Modul Training, Sertifikat Training, Training Kits, Lunch, Coffee Break, Ujian Sertifikasi, Sertifikat AAPM, Gelar Internasional
  • Belum termasuk : Penginapan dan Transportasi Peserta, PPN 11%


Tim Instruktur dan  Asesor dari BNSP.

In House Training lainnya yang beritanya dapat dilihat di link berikut => In House Training.

Untuk judul dan informasi online training, kunjungi juga website PT Expertindo lainnya di alamat www.e-trainingonline.com

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