In House Training Certified International Purchasing Professional

In House Training Certified International Purchasing Professional
January 31, 2020 No Comments » AAPM, In House Training adminweb




*International Certification by American Academy*

  In House Training Certified International Purchasing Professional

Pengenalan Profile SYNCRONA

SYNCRONA adalah lembaga penyedia layanan training, konsultasi, dan sertifikasi dalam bidang SUPPLY CHAIN bagi perusahaan, instansi pemerintah, instansi pendidikan, lembaga non pemerintah, maupun perorangan.

SYNCRONA merupakan produk dari PT Expertindo, perusahaan berbadan hukum PT yang didirikan berdasarkan akta notaris nomor AHU-0067791.AH.01.09 Tahun 2013 tanggal 16 Juli 2013. PT Expertindo merupakan perusahaan PKP dengan SIUP Nomor 503/0366/Mkr/XII/2011.


   Business management recognizes the growing complexity and heavy demands of the purchasing and supply chain operation. Executives need the assurance that their purchasing and supply chain managers and buyers are adequately trained, reliable, and dedicated to their professions.

There is a growing realization in the business world that only professionals can get the job done in a professional manner. The American Academy of certification provides general management a high degree of confidence in the ability and integrity of the people who have been or will be selected to do the job.

This course is designed to explore the institutional purchasing cycle for consumable materials, raw materials, spare parts, and capital assets. Additionally participants  will explore and develop a thorough understanding of the supplier/buyer relationship, the benefits of high-quality vendor management systems, and the pitfalls of poorly designed or implemented vendor management systems. The course we will focus in detail on the basic principles, procedures, and policies involved in the organizational function often referred to as Supply Chain Management.

At completion of this course, the participants will have the skills to apply the purchasing management, effectively and efficiently,  and make recommendations to increase supply chain competitiveness.

The AAPM® certification process, administered by GAFM Board, identifies to the public that those individuals who have been authorized to use the AAPM® certification marks in the globe have met rigorous professional standards and have agreed to adhere to the principles of integrity, objectivity, competence, fairness, confidentiality, professionalism and diligence when dealing with clients.


  • Materi

Lesson 1: Purchasing and Vendor Management

Lesson 2: The Purchasing Process

Lesson 3: Vendor Relationship Management

Lesson 4: Capital Purchases, There’s a Big Difference

Lesson 5: Alternate Purchasing Methods

Lesson 6: Continuous Improvement in Purchasing and Vendor Management

Lesson 7: Income Statement & Balance Sheet Consideration

Lesson 8: Contract Management and Closure

                (including Receipt and Accounting of materials and payment of suppliers’ bills)



Semua level Manager, Supervisor, dan Staff.



    • Presentasi
    • Diskusi
    • Case Study
    • Ujian


Waktu, Tempat dan Fasilitas

  • Waktu menyesuaikan permintaan Instansi dengan durasi pelaksanaan selama 2 (Dua) hari class room pada tanggal yang menyesuaikan Instansi.
  • Tempat : Menyesuaikan permintaan Instansi di Tempat, disiapkan oleh Instansi peserta.
  • Investasi sebesar Rp 5.000.000,- per peserta kuota minimal 5 orang. Untuk semua lokasi di pulai jawa (Harga Daerah Luar jawa menyesuaikan). Apabila ada penambahan peserta akan dikenakan biaya tambahan sebesar 60 % dari harga rata-rata per peserta. Belum termasuk Pajak.
  • Jika melanjutkan sertifikasi Internasional ada tambahan biaya pembelian voucer ujian senilai $500 dengan kurs dollar hari ini dan dilaksanakan pada hari Ke-3 setelah pelatihan.
  • Syarat Ujian: Melampirkan CV dan Mengisi Form AA yang disertai Scan KTP
  • Sudah Termasuk:
  • Sertifikat Training AAPM
  • Fee Instruktur
  • Staff pendukung
  • Transportasi Instruktur
  • Akomodasi Instruktur
  • Training Kits (Godie bag, tempat pensil, alat tulis dan bloknote)
  • Hardcopy Materi
  • Belum termasuk:
  • Tempat/Ruang Training
  • Konsumsi
  • Pajak PPN 10%


Lead Instruktur

Dr. Ir. Elisa Kusrini,  MT ,CPIM, CSCP & Tim (CV terlampir)

Sarjana Teknologi Industri  UGM dan  Magister Teknik Industri dari ITB Bandung yang memiliki pengalaman luas sebagai  professional trainer & consultant serta nara sumber berbagai seminar, workshop, training di perusahaan-perusahan BUMN dan perusahaan swasta nasional baik reguler maupun In-house training. Memperoleh Sertifikasi Basic supply chain dari APICS America(Association Production and Inventory Control Society).  Bidang keahlian dan training subject: SCM,Operation Management and industrial Engineering.


Rundown In House Training Certified International Purchasing Professional


*International Certification by American Academy*

No Hari/Tanggal Waktu Materi Tempat
1 Hari I 07.30 – 08.00 Registrasi & Pembukaan Menyesuaikan Instansi
08.00 – 10.00
  1. Purchasing and Vendor Management
10.00 – 10.15 Coffee Break
10.15 – 12.00
  1. The Purchasing Process
12.00 – 13.00 Ishoma
13.00 – 15.00
  1. Vendor Relationship Management
15.00 – 15.15 Coffee Break
15.15 – 16.30
  1. Capital Purchases, There’s a Big Difference
2 Hari II 08.00 – 10.00
  1. Alternate Purchasing Methods
Menyesuaikan Instansi
10.00 – 10.15 Coffee Break
10.15 – 12.00
  1. Continuous Improvement in Purchasing and Vendor Management
12.00 – 13.00 Ishoma
13.00 – 15.00
  1. Income Statement & Balance Sheet Consideration
  2. Contract Management and Closure
15.00 – 15.15 Coffee Break
15.15 – 16.30 Try Out



Dengan Training ini diharapkan peserta dapat meningkatkan Kompetensinya  menjadi ahli dalam bidang CERTIFIED INTERNATIONAL PURCHASING PROFESSIONAL *International Certification by American Academy* untuk peningkatan kinerja Perusahaan. Semoga PT Expertindo dapat menjadi  mitra dalam pencapaian kompetensi ini.

Formulir In House Training Certified International Purchasing Professional

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