Kaizen As Quality Enhancement Technique
Kaizen As Quality Enhancement Technique
Kaizen is a very popular method of Improvement in Japan that aims to increase the productivity of the company. With Kaizen, the company can do a sustainable Improvement applied in the field/in the production area. The main goal of Kaizen is to eliminate 7 wastage that does not provide value added products/services from a consumer perspective. Wastage needs to be minimized even need to be eliminated because it raises costs that lead to reduced profits. Kaizen can be implemented by all layers of employees, from operator level to top management. This Training will provide an understanding of kaizen and its implementation in the company, so as to reduce the waste that occurs and increase the profit of the company.
After this training, participants should be able to:
- Understand the concept and principle of kaizen as a technique in improving quality
- Implementing Kaizen in the company.
- Kaizen (Continuous Improvement) and philosophy behind it
- The concept of Kaizen, definitions, activities, and objectives
- Waste in the company
- Application of Kaizen in the company
- Organization and role of employees in the implementation of Kaizen
- The steps of applying Kaizen
- Kaizen Tools
- The key to success in the application of Kaizen
- Case studies and discussions
Presentation, discussion, Brainstorming, Case Study
- Ibis Malioboro Hotel Yogyakarta, Indonesia
- December 02-03 2019
- December 09 – 10 2019
- December 16 – 17 2019
- December 23 – 24 2019
- December 30 – 31 2019
- IDR 5.900.000 (Non Residential, excluding Vat tax 10%)
- VIP training IDR 7.900.000 (4 days, Non Residential with additional facilities package field/City tour and excluding Vat tax 10%)
- Minimum Quota 2 participants
- Facilities: Certificate, Training kits, USB, Lunch, Coffe Break, Souvenir
- For participants outside the city or country is provided shuttle transportation from the airport/station to the Hotel exclusively for companies that send at least 3 participants
Drs. Imam Djati Widodo, M.Eng.Sc
Instructor and lecturer in quality.
Kunjungi jadwal lainya di : Jadwal Training 2021
Atau Kunjungi website kami di alamat : www.expertindo-training.com
Kunjungi website Lainnya: https://e-trainingonline.com/