Online In House Training Certified Human Resources Management Auditor PT ABM Investama

Online In House Training Certified Human Resources Management Auditor PT ABM Investama
June 15, 2022 1 Comment In House Training adminweb

Online In House Training Certified Human Resources Management Auditor PT ABM Investama

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PT Expertindo Training sebagai salah satu perusahaan jasa training dan konsultan terbaik di Indonesia kembali menggelar In House Training yang kali ini berjudul Analisis Data Menggunakan Google Data Studio. In house training yang diadakan secara online kali ini diikuti total 20 lebih peserta yang terhubung menggunakan video conference Zoom dengan instansi asal peserta yaitu PT ABM Investama. PT ABM Investama Tbk adalah perusahaan energi terintegrasi di Indonesia yang melakukan investasi strategis di sektor terkait pertambangan dan energi. Adapun pembahasan materi pelatihan berlangsung di tanggal 15 dan 16 Juni 2022 yang rencananya akan dilanjutkan ujian sertifikasi kerja sama dengan American Academy ini adalah sebagai berikut.

Foto Online In House Training Certified Human Resources Management Auditor PT ABM Investama


Human Resource Management Audit is a diagnostic tool that helps to gauge the current status of effective HR practices and the gaps between current and future needs i.e. the desired state of the aspect being audited. The audit is quite routine and compulsory for Finance as a function since it is statutory compliance however, for HR it is not a mandatory procedure since there is no legal obligation. Nevertheless, it is imperative that human resource audit must be performed periodically to keep the policies and procedures relevant.

In this everchanging environment revisiting and renewing the function keeps HR responsive to the needs of the people in the system. It can be looked at as a preemptive measure to identify what possible problems can occur while dealing with the internal and external ecosystem in the VUCA World. As employees are the most valuable assets for an organisation they must be engaged, retained, and nurtured for mutual benefit. HR audits provide insights on possible causes for current and future problems.

A well run and managed human resources audit can help reduce employee turnover, disengagement, and friction. It can also be an enabler of maintaining high morale providing a competitive edge. Audit facilitates smooth and efficient operations of the Human Resource department in the best of its capacity. What is Human Resources audit? A comprehensive method of objective and systematic verification of all HR practices in the organisation. A deliberate effort to look at human resources (people) and procedures that keep and help them flourish in the system.

It goes beyond hiring and deep dives into every aspect like motivation, compensation and benefits, training and development, budgeting, grievance redressal; absolutely any process or practices that affect the people element of the business. This Zoe training course will empower you in establishing varied objectives like ensuring legal compliance, documentation, policies, and procedures prevalent in the HR domain, thereby qualifying its effectiveness. It helps identify the gaps in the HR processes and scope of improvement.

It helps organisations stay abreast with current rules and regulations, trends, and practices. The systematic verification of entire gamut of HR i.e. Job analysis and design, recruitment and selection, placement and orientation, training and development, compensation, career progression, motivation, dispute and conflict management, etc. can help organisations become the best players in their industry.

This workshop is a very collaborative and communicative session where participants from all cultures participate in this training program and share their own office experiences, successes, and challenges. Customized modules can be arranged for organisation specific learning requirements. This program involves group discussions, case studies, and best practices that help lead a successful HR management Audit.


By the end of the Human Resource Management Audit Certification Training Course, the participants of this course will be able to :

1. Understand the HR Audit Process
2. Learn the methods and approaches to conduct an HR audit
3. Learn the major concerns or challenges one might face while conducting an HR Audit
4. Evaluate the system of acquiring, developing, assigning and utilizing human resources in the organization
5. Analyse all the aspects of HR Function
6. Evaluate the extent to which the line managers implement and follow the policies and programs initiated by top management and HR
7. Identify the shortcomings in the existing procedures & way of management
8. Evaluate the HR staff and their initiatives for the smooth functioning of the organization
9. Ensure legal compliances, helping maintain and improve the competitive advantage
10. Establish efficient documentation, systems, technology practices for enhanced employee engagement


Module 1: Importance of HR Management Audit:

• Importance of Human Capital
• People and Organisational Goal Alignment
• Need for HR to become Business Partners
• Track initiatives, Assess and quantify results and devise a roadmap for course correction
• Elevating HR Department to World Class

Module 2: Objectives and Rationale of HR Management Auditing:

• Review all aspects of human resources
• Find reasons for success and failures
• Evaluate employee performance
• Identify and work on the area of improvement

Module 3: Scope of HR Management Audit:

• People at all levels
• Policies and procedures
• Results, Achievements and Failures of policies
• HR Policies and HR Programmes

Module 4: Benefits of HR Management Audit:

• Gap Identification
• Streamline HR department
• Helps Cost reduction

Module 5: Frequency of HR Management Audit:

• Once a year Vs. Monthly

Module 6: HR Management Audit Process

• Pre-Audit Information
• On-Site Review
• Record Review
• Audit Report

Module 7: Approaches to HR Management Audit:

• Comparative Approach
• Outside Authority Approach
• Statistical Approach
• Compliance Approach
• Management by Objective

Module 8: HR Management Audit Steps:

• Determining the scope
• Developing a plan
• Production of report
• Creation of an action plan
• Evaluate the progress

Module 9: Methods:

• Individual Interview method
• Group Interview Method
• Workshop Method
• Questionnaire Method
• Observation

Module 10: Explore the facts about what the HR’s of some of the best Organisations do:

• Group Activity- Study and research the likes of Google/ competitor organisations that are doing some exemplary work

Selain Online In House Training Certified Human Resources Management Auditor PT ABM Investama, PT Expertindo juga menggelar berbagai judul perlatihan in house training maupun sertifikasi yang dapat diakses di alamat link berikut Jadwal Training 2022

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    thanks for info


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