Online Training Certified International Project Manager September 2020
PT Expertindo pada tanggal 19 dan 20 September sukses menggelar 2 judul online training yaitu Certified International Project Manager dan Certified Leadership Consultant. Menggunakan fasilitas video conference, instruktur dan peserta yang berasal dari beberapa daerah Indonesia langsung bertatap muka untuk membahas materi pelatihan. Pelatihan yang disertai dengan sertifikasi ini merupakan kerja sama PT Expertindo Training sebagai salah satu perusahaan jasa training terkemuka di Indonesia dengan American Academy Project Management. Pelatihan berjudul Certified International Project Manager dipandu oleh Dr. Ir. Elisa Kusrini, MT, CIPM, CPIM, CSCP dan untuk judul Certified Leadership Consultant dipandu oleh Muthia Murrakhmi, S.Psi., M.Psi.
Foto Online Training Certified International Project Manager September 2020
Kedua judul pelatihan ini dapat diikuti peserta dari berbagai instansi dan perusahaan baik dari instansi pemerintah pusat dan daerah, Badan usaha milik negara, perusahaan nasional dan multinasional, institusi pendidikan dan lainnya. Peserta diantaranya berasal dari Universitas Syah Kuala, Universitas Islam Indonesia, Bank BNI, Universitas Pancasila dan PT Pegadaian.
Adapun pembahasan dari kedua pelatihan yang berlangsung:
Certified International Project Manager
Training ini merupakan training diselenggarakan oleh American Academy of Project Management (AAPM) Chapter Indonesia bekerjasama dengan PT Expertindo, khusus untuk pimpinan perusahaan, praktisi, fresh graduate, dosen, mahasiswa dan umum yang materinya bersumber dari materi sertifikasi Certified International Project Manager (CIPM) International Certification by American Academy of Project Management.
Foto Online Training Certified International Project Manager September 2020
– Project Integration Management
– Project Scope Management
– Project Time Management
– Project Cost Management
– Project Quality Management
– Project Human Resources Management
– Project Communications Management
– Project Risk Management
– Prject Procurement Management
Certified Leadership Consultant
Foto Online Training Certified Leadership Consultant
Leadership is defined as “a process of influencing others to achieve a goal.” This course is derived from theory and research and uses real life observations and experiences from both faculty and students. Advanced social work professionals require to leadership knowledge, skills and abilities to better understand and meet the challenges of working within complex and diverse urban social settings that address a range of contemporary social service issues.
The course will address a panoply of topics to enhance effective practices. Among these are motivation, communication skills, power and influence, team building and group facilitation, conflict management and various approaches to leadership styles and methods with emphasis on situational approaches and transformational leadership.
One purpose of this course is to help participants become more effective leaders and to better understand the demands of leadership. Specifically, the course will serve as a guide for interpreting leadership theory and research and fill the gaps between leadership theory and practice. While not all master’s level social workers will take responsibility for formally leading or managing organizations and projects, but informal leaders do emerge and followershipis intrinsically a part of the leadership process.
- Developing Personal leadership
- Achieving Organizational Result
- Understanding the Innovation Process
- Defining The Performance Process
- Appraisal System and Coaching Process
- Problem Analysis and Decision Making
- Recognizing Human Potential
- Implementing Delegation Process
- Handling Mistakes
- Communicating To Lead
- Leading More Effective Meeting
- Celebrating Success
- Committing to Improvement Process
Selain kedua judul Online Training di atas, PT Expertindo juga menggelar In House Training yang beritanya dapat dilihat di link berikut => In House Training.
Untuk judul dan informasi online training, kunjungi juga website PT Expertindo lainnya di alamat