Pelatihan Oil Well Performance & Surveillance Pekanbaru
December 4, 2019 No Comments » Artikel adminwebMinggu pertama bulan Desember 2019, PT Expertindo Training kembali menggelar pelatihan publik pasti jalan di beberapa kota. Pekanbaru Riau menjadi salah satu kota penyelenggaraan pelatihan publik yang kali ini berjudul Pelatihan Oil Well Performance & Surveillance. Pelatihan yang berlangsung penuh 3 hari dari tanggal 2 sampai 4 Desember 2019 ini diikuti peserta dari PT Chevron Pacific Indonesia. Pelatihan ini membahas tentang bagaimana mengukur performa dan ketersediaan dari tambang minyak. Adapun pembahasan Pelatihan Oil Well Performance & Surveillance Pekanbaru kali ini adalah sebagai berikut.
Well Performance Monitor is a web-enabled monitoring solution that enables users to proactively assess the performance of oil and gas production fields using real-time key performance indicators (KPI). Its powerful top-down graphical visualization tool helps identify problem wells and quickly drill down for in-depth diagnostics.
Well Performance Monitor provides an easy and cost-effective way to monitor field operations for both onshore and offshore oil and gas well assets. This web-enabled monitoring solution helps users know how their oil and gas wells are performing compared to their expectations and provides them with visual models that accurately predict what each well is capable of producing.
Through early identification of underperforming oil and gas wells, it helps operators avoid deferred production, reduce maintenance costs, increase production, prioritize production efforts and maximize field efficiency and oil recovery. Designed to reap the benefits of digital oil field technology and built to deliver out-of-the-box user functionality, Well Performance Monitor is quick to deploy for users to benefit from immediate returns on their investment.
Well Performance Monitor is a web-enabled monitoring solution that generates information and KPIs from real-time process data historians, production databases and engineering well models. From their desktop, users can visualize key field performance data, access different prioritized views of the field and manage all well assets effectively. A single prioritized view of oil and gas well performance and diagnostic displays allows timely response to emerging well issues for faster restoration of optimal operation.
Best real-time rate estimations for production and injection rates are generated from a catalog of methods (including model-based mechanisms) to allow users to easily compare performance against expected and metered rates. Additional modules automate well test validation and monitor the performance of water injection.
- Surveillance and monitoring plays a major role in effective sand Management
- Process from reservoir to disposal is affected by many factors and conditions
- Process varies dramatically from producers to injectors
- Changes in time of the critical parameters to monitor makes evaluation of field and well performance complex
- Introduction
- Flow System –Producers and Injectors
- Performance Evaluation Issues and Criteria
- Surveillance and performance evaluation
- Reservoir and Near Wellbore
- Well
- Flow line, manifolds and risers
- Separator
- Disposal
- Performance measurements
- The way forward
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