Process Safety For Engineer Advanced Level

Process Safety For Engineer Advanced Level
May 22, 2024 No Comments » Mechanical adminweb

Process Safety For Engineer Advanced Level

Pelatihan Pembangkit Panas Bumi Geothermal

Available Online & Offline Training


The “Process Safety for Engineer Advanced Level” training is designed to provide engineers with an in-depth understanding of key concepts in industrial process safety. Throughout this course, participants will develop the knowledge and skills necessary to design, implement, and manage effective process safety systems. The training material covers various critical topics, ranging from inherently safer design to pressure relief and disposal systems, as well as vital aspects such as process hazard analysis, safety-critical equipment, and the role of human factors in industrial safety.

In addition to gaining technical insights, participants will engage in analytical skill development through case studies, simulations, and interactive exercises. As a result, they will be able to identify potential hazards, assess risks, and design appropriate solutions to maintain operational safety in industrial settings. This training not only enhances participants’ technical understanding but also equips them with the tools and strategies needed to address complex safety challenges in dynamic work environments.




  1. Inherently Safer Design
  2. Safety Process Equipment
  3. Pressure Relief and Disposal Systems
  4. Plant Layout and Equipment Spacing
  5. Fire Protection and Prevention
  6. Explosion Protection and Prevention
  7. Safety and Environmental Critical Equipment (SECE)
  8. Human Factor
  9. Process Hazard Analysis (PHA)
  10. Safety Instrumented System (SIS)




Doddy Pranoto, And team.





Metode Pelaksanaan Harga & Fasilitas
Opsi 1 –

Pelatihan Online

   Training Online Rp 4.900.000 per peserta.

Minimal kuota 1 peserta dan bisa request tanggal.

Pelaksanaan training selama 2 hari half day (08.00 – 12.00 WIB atau 13.00 – 17.00 WIB).

Menggunakan aplikasi Zoom/Google Meet

Sudah Termasuk : Sertifikat Training Softfile & Hardfile, Pengiriman Sertifikat ke Alamat Peserta, Softfile Materi.

Belum termasuk : PPN 11%.

Opsi 2 –

Pelatihan Offline di Yogyakarta

   Training Offline Rp 7.900.000 per peserta

Minimal kuota 1 peserta dan bisa request tanggal

Pelaksanaan training selama 2 hari full day (08.00 – 16.00 WIB)

Tempat pelaksanaan :

ü Hotel El Royale, Yogyakarta ATAU

ü Hotel Malyabhara, Yogyakarta

Sudah termasuk : Meeting Room, Modul Training, Sertifikat Training, Training Kits, Lunch, Coffee Break, dan Souvenir.

Belum termasuk : Penginapan & Transportasi Peserta Pelatihan, dan PPN 11%.

Opsi 3 –

Pelatihan Offline di Solo, atau Semarang

   Training Offline Rp 7.900.000 per peserta.

Minimal kuota 2 peserta dan bisa request tanggal.

Pelaksanaan training selama 2 hari full day (08.00 – 16.00 WIB).

Pilihan Tempat pelaksanaan :

ü  Hotel Ibis, Solo

ü  Hotel Ibis Simpang Lima, Semarang

ü  Dll.

Sudah termasuk : Meeting Room, Modul Training, Sertifikat Training, Training Kits, Lunch, Coffee Break, dan Souvenir.

Belum termasuk : Penginapan & Transportasi Peserta Pelatihan, dan PPN 11%.

Opsi 4 –

Pelatihan Offline di Jakarta, Bandung atau Surabaya

   Training Offline Rp 8.900.000 per peserta.

Minimal kuota 2 peserta dan bisa request tanggal.

Pelaksanaan training selama 2 hari full day (08.00 – 16.00 WIB).

Pilihan Tempat pelaksanaan :

ü  Hotel Asyana Kemayoran, Jakarta

ü  Hotel Amaris Kemang, Jakarta

ü  Hotel Kimaya Braga, Bandung

ü  Hotel Midtown, Surabaya

ü  Dll.

Sudah termasuk : Meeting Room, Modul Training, Sertifikat Training, Training Kits, Lunch, Coffee Break, dan Souvenir.

Belum termasuk : Penginapan & Transportasi Peserta Pelatihan, dan PPN 11%.

Opsi 5 –

Pelatihan Offline Luar Pulau Jawa (Lombok, Bali, Balikpapan, dll)

   Training Offline Rp 9.900.000 per peserta.

Minimal kuota 3 peserta dan bisa request tanggal.

Pelaksanaan training selama 2 hari full day (08.00 – 16.00 WIB).

Pilihan Tempat pelaksanaan :

ü  Hotel Ibis Kuta, Bali

ü  Hotel Beverly, Batam

ü  Hotel Fave, Balikpapan

ü  Hotel Aston, Manado

ü  Hotel Lombok Raya, Mataram

ü  Dll.

Sudah termasuk : Meeting Room, Modul Training, Sertifikat Training, Training Kits, Lunch, Coffee Break, dan Souvenir.

Belum termasuk : Penginapan & Transportasi Peserta Pelatihan, dan PPN 11%.


In House Training lainnya yang beritanya dapat dilihat di link berikut => In House Training.

Untuk judul dan informasi online training, kunjungi juga website PT Expertindo lainnya di alamat

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