Training Certified Marketing Analyst PT Biro Klasifikasi Indonesia

Training Certified Marketing Analyst PT Biro Klasifikasi Indonesia
April 12, 2023 No Comments » Artikel adminweb

Pada minggu kedua April 2023, PT Expertindo Training yang merupakan perusahaan training dan consulting terbaik di Indonesia mengadakan training dengan beberapa judul secara offline. Salah satu training yang berlangsung adalah berjudul Certified Marketing Analyst yang diadakan di Yogyakarta. Peserta dari judul ini berasal dari PT Biro Klasifikasi Indonesia. BKI adalah badan klasifikasi nasional yang secara resmi ditunjuk oleh Pemerintah RI untuk melakukan klasifikasi terhadap kapal-kapal berbendera Indonesia ataupun kapal-kapal asing yang beroperasi di wilayah NKRI, serta melakukan survei periodik untuk kapal yang telah beroperasi guna mengevaluasi status laik laut kapal niaga bendera Indonesia. Adapun pembahasan training yang disertai sertifikasi dari tanggal 12 hingga 14 April 2023 adalah sebagai berikut.

Foto Training Certified Marketing Analyst PT Biro Klasifikasi Indonesia


Successful marketing requires a commitment to understand and satisfy customers. Many products “flop” because the company failed to adequately understand the desires or requirements or constraints of the people who will actually be using the product. For example, Motorola designed a cellular phone with world wide capabilities, but which couldn’t be used inside buildings or cars – the two places phones are most likely to be needed or wanted. Thus, much of this course will be devoted to understanding consumers better: measuring their preferences, understanding how those preferences are formed, and understanding whether products or services are satisfying both stated and unstated preferences.

This course provides a comprehensive introduction to marketing research, and discusses key concepts, processes, and techniques, as well as their applications.

Participants gain an appreciation for the breadth and depth of the subject and its significance for a business enterprise, whether a start-up or an established company. Besides an overview of marketing research, the course covers research design, including qualitative and quantitative data, and quantitative methods used for analyzing research data to make decisions.

This marketing course is intended for participants who want to increase their knowledge of aspects that affect consumer behavior, and of theories and methods for advanced analysis of consumer markets. The final modules of this course focus on advanced market analysis and development of decision making skills.


On completion of this segment, participant should be able to:

o Develop effective market strategy based on thorough anlysis regarding customer behaviour, consumer market and thorough market analysis

o Learn how to recognize situations that require market research

o Gain an understanding of the research designs that could be used to address specific business issues

o Broaden Participants understanding of critical research techniques and good research practices

o Develop practical skills that participants can use to establish sampling plans, design questionnaires, and analyze research studies for optimum results in Market Analysis.


o Module 1 – Perspectives on Strategy
o Module 2 – Consumer Behavior
o Module 3 – Consumer and Market Analysis
o Module 4 – Strategizing- planning and processes
o Module 5 – The Basic of Market Research
o Module 6 – Designing a Research Project: The Tools of Market Research
o Module 7 – Cases

Untuk jadwal training lainnya selain Training Certified Marketing Analyst PT Biro Klasifikasi Indonesia juga menggelar In House Training yang beritanya dapat dilihat di link berikut => In House Training.

Untuk judul dan informasi online training, kunjungi juga website PT Expertindo lainnya di alamat

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