Training dan Sertifikasi Internasional Adobe Certified Associate (ACA) Program Adobe Visual Communication using Adobe Photoshop CS5 : Membangun Aplikasi di Bidang Multimedia
Training dan Sertifikasi Internasional Adobe Certified Associate (ACA) Program Adobe Visual Communication using Adobe Photoshop CS5 : Membangun Aplikasi di Bidang Multimedia
Training dan Sertifikasi Internasional Adobe Certified Associate (ACA) Program Adobe Visual Communication using Adobe Photoshop CS5 : Membangun Aplikasi di Bidang Multimedia, Adobe systems merupakan perusahaan perangkat lunak yang bergerak dibidang grafis, animasi, dan video, serta pengembangan web. Adobe adalah perusahaan perangkat lunak terbesar di dunia. Adobe telah berkembang pesat dan produk-produknya telah banyak banyak dipergunakan oleh personal, instansi umum,maupun industri kreatif. kerjasama dengan lembaga authirized testing center dari Adobe, menawarkan sertifikasi Adobe Visual Communication using Adobe Photoshop CS5.Adobe Visual Communication using Adobe Photoshop CS5 merupakan software yang sering dipergunakan untuk membangun aplikasi di bidang multimedia, terutama komposit dan manipulasi gambar tidak bergerak.
Setelah mengikuti pelatihan ini, peserta diharapkan mampu untuk memahami konsep dan materi pelatihan serta lulus dalam ujian sertifikasi.
Materi Training (+exam)
1.0 Setting Project Requirements
- 1.1 Identify the purpose, audience, and audience needs for preparing image(s).
- 1.2 Demonstrate knowledge of standard copyright rules for images and image use.
- 1.3 Demonstrate knowledge of project management tasks and responsibilities.
- 1.4 Communicate with others (such as peers and clients) about design plans.
2.0 Identifying Design Elements When Preparing Images
- 2.1 Demonstrate knowledge of image resolution, image size, and image file format for web, video, and print.
- 2.2 Demonstrate knowledge of design principles, elements, and image composition.
- 2.3 Demonstrate knowledge of typography.
- 2.4 Demonstrate knowledge of color correction using Photoshop CS5.
- 2.5 Demonstrate knowledge of image-generating devices, their resulting image types, and how to access resulting images in Photoshop.
- 2.6 Understand key terminology of digital images.
3.0 Understanding Adobe Photoshop CS5
- 3.1 Identify elements of the Photoshop CS5 user interface and demonstrate knowledge of their functions.
- 3.2 Demonstrate knowledge of layers and masks.
- 3.3 Demonstrate knowledge of importing, exporting, organizing, and saving.
- 3.4 Demonstrate knowledge of producing and reusing images.
- 3.5 Demonstrate an understanding of and select the appropriate features and options required to implement a color management workflow.
4.0 Manipulating Images using Adobe Photoshop CS5
- 4.1 Demonstrate knowledge of working with selections and measurement.
- 4.2 Use Photoshop guides and rulers.
- 4.3 Transform images.
- 4.4 Adjust or correct the tonal range, color, or distortions of an image.
- 4.5 Demonstrate knowledge of retouching and blending images.
- 4.6 Demonstrate knowledge of drawing and painting.
- 4.7 Demonstrate knowledge of type.
- 4.8 Demonstrate knowledge of filters.
5.1 Publishing Digital Images using Adobe Photoshop CS5
- 5.1 Demonstrate knowledge of preparing images for web, print, and video.
Cocok untuk Semua Staff dari berbagai lini dan departement
Investasi dan Fasilitas
Rp.7.250.000 (Non Residential)
Fasilitas : Certificate,Training kits, USB,Lunch,Coffe Break, Souvenir
Biaya sudah termasuk untuk exam/ujian internasional
Untuk peserta luar kota disediakan transportasi antar-jemput dari Bandara/Stasiun ke Hotel (khusus bagi perusahaan yang mengirimkan minimal 3 orang peserta)
Lead Instruktur
Hamid, S.T., M.Eng,CEH CHFI MTCNA MTCWE and Team
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