Training dan Sertifikasi Internasional Adobe Certified Associate (ACA) Program Adobe Web Communication using Adobe Dreamweaver CS5 : Software untuk Membuat Website)

Training dan Sertifikasi Internasional Adobe Certified Associate (ACA) Program Adobe Web Communication using Adobe Dreamweaver CS5 : Software untuk Membuat Website)
August 4, 2017 No Comments » Certification adminweb

Training dan Sertifikasi Internasional Adobe Certified Associate (ACA) Program Adobe Web Communication using Adobe Dreamweaver CS5 : Software untuk Membuat Website)

Pelatihan Pembangkit Panas Bumi Geothermal


Training dan Sertifikasi Internasional Adobe Certified Associate (ACA) Program Adobe Web Communication using Adobe Dreamweaver CS5 : Software untuk Membuat Website), Adobe systems merupakan perusahaan perangkat lunak yang bergerak dibidang grafis, animasi, dan video, serta pengembangan web. Adobe adalah perusahaan perangkat lunak terbesar di dunia. Adobe telah berkembang pesat dan produk-produknya telah banyak banyak dipergunakan oleh personal, instansi umum,maupun industri kreatif. kerjasama dengan lembaga authirized testing center dari Adobe, menawarkan sertifikasi

Adobe Web Communication using Adobe Dreamweaver CS5.Adobe Dreamweaver  CS5, merupakan software yang sering dipergunakan untuk membangun website.


Setelah mengikuti pelatihan ini, peserta diharapkan mampu untuk memahami konsep dan materi pelatihan serta lulus dalam ujian sertifikasi.


Materi Trainig

1.0 Setting Project Requirements

1.1 Identify the purpose, audience, and audience needs for a website.

1.3 Demonstrate knowledge of standard copyright rules (related terms, obtaining permission, and citing copyrighted material).

1.4 Demonstrate knowledge of website accessibility standards that address the needs of people with visual and motor impairments.

1.5 Make website development decisions based on your analysis and interpretation of design specifications.

1.6 Understand project management tasks and responsibilities.

2.0 Planning Site Design and Page Layout

2.1 Demonstrate general and Dreamweaver-specific knowledge of best practices for designing a website, such as maintaining consistency, separating content from design, using standard fonts, and utilizing visual hierarchy.

2.2 Produce website designs that work equally well on various operating systems and browser versions/configurations.

2.3 Demonstrate knowledge of page layout design concepts and principles.

2.4 Identify basic principles of website usability, readability, and accessibility.

2.5 Demonstrate knowledge of flowcharts, storyboards, and wireframes to create web pages and a site map (site index) that maintain the planned website hierarchy.

2.6 Communicate with others (such as peers and clients) about design and content plans.

3.0 Understanding the Adobe Dreamweaver CS5 Interface

3.1 Identify elements of the Adobe Dreamweaver interface.

3.2 Use the Insert bar.

3.3 Use the Property inspector.

3.4 Use the Assets panel.

3.5 Use the Files panel.

3.6 Customize the workspace

4.0 Adding Content by Using Adobe Dreamweaver CS5

4.1 Define a Dreamweaver site.

4.2 Create, title, name, and save a web page.

4.3 Add text to a web page.

4.4 Insert images and apply alternative text on a web page.

4.5 Link web content, using hyperlinks, e-mail links, and named anchors.

4.6 Insert rich media, such as video, sound, and animation in Flash format.

4.7 Insert navigation bars, rollover images, and buttons created in Fireworks on a web page.

4.8 Build image maps.

4.9 Import tabular data to a web page.

4.10 Import and display a Microsoft Word or Microsoft Excel document to a web page.

4.11 Create forms.

5.0 Organizing Content by Using Adobe Dreamweaver CS5

5.1 Set and modify document properties.

5.2 Organize web page layout with relative and absolutely-positioned div tags and CSS styles.

5.3 Modify text and text properties.

5.4 Modify images and image properties.

5.5 Create web page templates.

5.6 Use basic HTML tags to set up an HTML document, format text, add links, create tables, and build ordered and unordered lists.

5.7 Add head content to make a web page visible to search engines.

5.8 Use Adobe Creative Suite to implement a reusable design.

6.0 Evaluating and Maintaining a Site by Using Adobe Dreamweaver CS5

6.1 Conduct technical tests.

6.2 Identify techniques for basic usability tests.

6.3 Identify methods for collecting site feedback.

6.4 Present web pages to others (such as team members and clients) for feedback and evaluation.

6.5 Manage assets, links, and files for a site.

6.6 Publish and update site files to a remote server.



Cocok untuk Semua Staff dari berbagai lini dan departement


Investasi dan Fasilitas

Rp.6.900.000 (Non Residential)

Fasilitas : Certificate,Training kits, USB,Lunch,Coffe Break, Souvenir 

Biaya sudah termasuk untuk exam/ujian internasional 

Untuk peserta luar kota disediakan transportasi antar-jemput dari Bandara/Stasiun ke Hotel (khusus bagi perusahaan yang mengirimkan minimal 3 orang peserta) 


Lead Instruktur

Hamid, S.T., M.Eng,CEH CHFI MTCNA MTCWE  and Team


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