Training Expertindo Jakarta dan Malang Minggu Pertama Agustus 2018
Pada minggu pertama Agustus ini, PT Expertindo menggelar training di beberapa kota besar Indonesia. Dua kota besar diantaranya adalah Jakarta dan Malang. Masing-masing judul training yang diselenggarakan di kota tersebut adalah, judul financial risk analysis untuk kota Jakarta dan judul effective budgeting & cost control untuk kota Malang. Trainingnya sendiri diikuti oleh peserta dari beberapa instansi.
Adapun isi dari training yang diselenggarakan untuk judul financial risk analysis adalah
Risk Management strives to provide financial protection and support services to all departments in the organization. The success of the department in fulfilling its responsibilities requires close coordination with, and cooperation from, the total organization for identification of potential risks and prompt notification of claims for losses sustained.
The Financial Risk Management segment extends the governance framework covered in the Ethics and Governance segment, further discusses the process of investment evaluation that was covered in the Strategic Management Accounting segment, and examines some of the practical elements and complexities of hedge accounting in relation to the International Financial Reporting Standards that were covered in the Financial Reporting segment.
Tujuan trainingnya:
- Identification and analysis of risk and assessment of loss potential
- Eliminating or minimizing risks
- Implementing loss funding and risk financing mechanisms
- Claims control and litigation management
Untuk judul effective budgeting & cost control membahas tentang There are 6 steps being taken in the process of budgeting and control company profits are: determining general corporate purposes, the determination of specific objectives of each department, the determination of strategy, policy planning executive management, planning strategies to achieve long-term earnings and annual earnings.
After this training, participants will be able to:
- Understanding the process of planning and control in a comprehensive income
- Understanding the technical procedures used in the planning and control of income
- Understanding the various management functions and responsibilities of each level of the management in relation to the sequence of profit planning and control process.
Minggu pertama bulan Agustus ini PT Expertindo juga menggelar training di kota Yogyakarta dengan beberapa judul yang berbeda. Selain publik training, PT Expertindo juga menggelar In House Training yang beritanya dapat dilihat di link berikut => In House Training. Pada Tahun 2018 PT Expertindo Menggelar Berbagai Event Pelatihan Besar diberbagai kota, kunjungi link berikut => Event Besar Expertindo