Training Good Corporate Governance Yogyakarta
Training Good Corporate Governance Yogyakarta menjadi salah satu judul training yang diselenggarakan PT Expertindo Training untuk minggu ini. Training yang diikuti peserta dari PT Asuransi Jasindo ini diselenggarakan dari tanggal 12 sampai tanggal 13 November di Hotel Ibis Mailoboro Yogyakarta. Adapun pembahasan umum dari training berjudul Good Corporate Governance adalah sebagai berikut:
At the time of growing competition and global market, the company required to implement the Good Corporate Governance (GCG) to be able to win the competition, especially in the business world. Good Corporate Governance is a must in order to build a strong business conditions and sustainable, as well as the need to create a system and a strong corporate structure to be a world-class company..
Tujuan Training/pelatihan
After this training, participants expected to:
- Understand the basic concepts of Good Corporate Governance (GCG);
- Understand how to implement good corporate governance in the company, appropriate and targeted;
- Understand how to do assessment Good Corporate Governance;
- Understand the cause of the failure parameters of corporate management as a result of bad corporate governance;
- Have sufficient understanding and are able to solve problems that occur in the practice of corporate governance implementation.
Materi Training/pelatihan
1. Scope and basic concepts of Good Corporate Governance
- Important Background Good Corporate Governance Initiative
- Definition and Concept of Good Corporate Governance
- Development Code and the Principles of Good Corporate Governance
- Effect of Good Corporate Governance Against Corporate Value
- The Good Corporate Governance;
- Building a Corporate Culture Through Implementation of Good Corporate Governance;
- Affecting factors in Implementation of Good Corporate Governance
- Concept and Implementation of Good Corporate Governance
2. GCG Infrastructure:
- Good Corporate Governance Perspective;
- Scheme of Good Corporate Governance
- Legal Governance Models
- Organ Company Scheme
3. GCG Sofstructure
- Definition, Urgency, and Soft Structure Type of Good Corporate Governance
- Good Corporate Governance Code
- Code of Conduct
- Board Manual
- Charters
- Standard Operating Procedure (SOP);
- Softstructure Evaluation Scheme;
- Critical Factors for Designing and Implementation Softstructure GCG.
- Good Corporate Governance Strategy Map
- Stages Good Corporate Governance Implementation Program
- Stages of Building Infrastructure
- Softstructure Development Stages
- Implementation Stages
- Assessment Stages
- Details of the Work Programme and Timetable
- Stages of Evaluation
4. How to Effectively Implement GCG
5. GCG methods Assessment and Self Assessment Checklist:
- Conceptual Stages of Implementation of GCG;
- Significance Assessment GCG;
- Assessment Version NCG;
- Assessment Version FCGI;
- Assessment Version Ministry of Enterprise;
- Assessment Version Bank Indonesia;
- Assessment Version Standard and Poor’s;
- Assessment Version Australian Stock Exchange;
- Examples of Assessment Publication in the Annual Report.
6. How to Become an Effective GCG Assessor
- GCG Self Assessment
- Perform Step GCG Assessment
- Ideal Assessor Criteria
- Barriers and Challenges Assessor
- Closing
7 Case studies and Brainstorming:
- Case Occurring in GCG implementation;
- Completion of corporate governance issues;
- Interactive discussion on How to Implement the Company’s GCG.
Selain publik training, PT Expertindo juga menggelar In House Training yang beritanya dapat dilihat di link berikut => In House Training. Pada Tahun 2018 PT Expertindo Menggelar Berbagai Event Pelatihan Besar diberbagai kota, kunjungi link berikut => Event Besar Expertindo
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