Training Project Management Office Yogyakarta

Training Project Management Office Yogyakarta
September 28, 2018 No Comments » Artikel adminweb

Bertempat di Hotel Sheraton Mustika Yogyakarta, PT Expertindo menggelar taining berjudul Project Management Office. Training yang berlangsung mulai tanggal 28 sampai 29 September 2018 ini diisi oleh trainer yang syarat pengalaman yang merupakan praktisi di bidangnya. Trainingnya sendiri diikuti 11 peserta training yang berasal dari beberapa divisi dan posisi yaitu dari Bank Pembangunan Daerah Jawa Barat dan Banten (Bank BPD Jabar Banten). Isi dari materi training Project Management Office adalah sebagai berikut:

This course will offer an overview of the Project Management Office (PMO). The course is designed is based on the perspective of improving project delivery is only one metric of a PMO’s success, it is an important measure. Businesses that have established PMOs need to ensure the PMO is providing expected results, and adding value to the business. This course will provide strategies and tactics to enable process improvement for a currently established Project Management Office.

The course shall provide the capabilities to the participants in determining  how best to use the Project Management Office (PMO) for organization advantage and how to develop and use a competency model for project professionals. Discover methods to implement the type of PMO that best fits your environment and the specific functions it should perform. Assess the maturity of your PMO and recognize its contribution to professional responsibility in project management. The course is built around a series of consecutive structured lectures, class exercises, and class discussions. The scope of the course includes discussion of the components of the PMO including: Recognize critical characteristics of a PMO to foster organizational success , prevent runaway projects, conduct a project audit , perform a competency analysis, identify key roles and responsibilities, prepare a PMO charter, conduct an organizational maturity assessment, establish metrics for gauging and monitoring performance, develop a PMO implementation plan, use the PMO to promote professional responsibility.


  1. Gain an in-depth understanding of the services a well designed PMO should perform for the organization
  2. Understand the challenges the PMO faces within your organization, and how to address them
  3. Learn how to evaluate key metrics of success for the PMO, and how to improve your PMO performance
  4. Learn techniques to manage project portfolios more effectively
  5. Improve your risk management strategies and tactics for addressing risk
  6. Learn how leading companies operate their project management offices (PMOs), and which of their strategies and tactics may be right for your organization.


  1. The perspectives and overview of Critical PMO Characteristics
  2. The  application of  PMO entity  to Enhance Project Performance
  3. Coping with Runaway project
  4. Competency Model for Project Professionals
  5. Project Management Maturity and the PMO
  6. The Essential Functions of PMO
  7. PMO Implementation
  8. Professional Code of Ethics and Responsibility in PMO

Bulan Oktober PT Expertindo juga menggelar training di kota Yogyakarta beberapa kota besar Indonesia lainnya dengan beberapa judul yang berbeda. Selain publik training, PT Expertindo juga menggelar In House Training yang beritanya dapat dilihat di link berikut => In House Training. Pada Tahun 2018 PT Expertindo Menggelar Berbagai Event Pelatihan Besar diberbagai kota, kunjungi link berikut => Event Besar Expertindo

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