Training Risk Based Inspection PT Supreme Energy Muara Laboh
PT Expertindo Training yang merupakan perusahaan training dan consulting salah satu terbaik di Indonesia menggelar training berbagai judul di Yogyakarta. Salah satu judul yang berlangsung adalah Risk Based Inspection dengan peserta yang berasal dari PT Supreme Energy Muara Laboh. PT. Supreme Energy Muara Laboh/SEML adalah perusahaan patungan dari Supreme Energy, ENGIE dan Sumitomo yang dibentuk pada tahun 2011. INPEX kemudian bergabung dengan perusahaan tersebut pada tahun 2022 menggantikan ENGIE. Proyek berlokasi di Pekonina Kampung Baru, Nagari Alam Pauh Duo, Kec. Pauh Duo, Kabupaten Solok Selatan, Sumatera Barat. Adapun pembahasan training yang berlangsung di tanggal 25 dan 26 Juli 2023 ini adalah sebagai berikut.
Foto Training Risk Based Inspection PT Supreme Energy Muara Laboh
Risk Based Inspection (RBI) is a systematical process that identifies, assesses and map industrial risks, which can compromise equipment integrity in both pressurized equipment and structural elements. The high risk equipments are then managed by a proper inspection interval, method and coverage. In the Risk Based Inspection (RBI) philosophy, it is more cost- effective to allow some systems to fail as long as the consequences of the failure are low, on the other hand, some systems may have such high consequences of failure that failure is totally unacceptable, and therefore, these items should receive most attention by using a proper inspection plan & practice.
Day 1 :
• RBI Methodology Review
• Introduction to API RP 580
• Introduction to API RP 581
• Basic Risk Assessment Concepts
• Operating Boundaries and Limitations
• RBI Study : Estimating Resources and Time
• Data Sources, Data Quality, Data Needs
• Assessing Probability Of Failure
• Assessing Consequences Of Failure
Day 2 :
• Risk Determination, Assessment, and Management
• Common RBI Problems and Pitfals
• API 581 : Scope and Definitions
• API 581 : Probability of Failure and Methodology
• API 581 : Consequence of Failure and Methodology
• Damaga Mechanisms
• Corrosion Monitoring
• Risk Analysis and Inspection Planning
Day 3 :
• Risk-Based Inspection Planning
• Inspection Plan Development and Implementation
• RBI Rollout and Management
• Risk-Based Decision Making Fundamentals and Tools
• Case Studies and Calculation Examples
• Inspection Plan Examples
• RBI Key Points and Topics Review and Joint Discussion
Untuk jadwal training lainnya selain Training Risk Based Inspection PT Supreme Energy Muara Laboh juga menggelar In House Training yang beritanya dapat dilihat di link berikut => In House Training.
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