Understanding & Applying in HAZ
Understanding & Applying in HAZ
This training is designed to provide participants with an understanding of the characteristics of flammable materials, classification of hazardous locations, types of equipment used in hazardous locations, typical wiring systems, and inspection and maintenance guidelines.
Participants learn HAZ effectively and can apply it within the scope of work
- Fundamental HAZ
- Hazardous area classification procedures and techniques, including the gathering and analysis of data relevant to the explosive hazard
- Determination of the extent of the risk
- Documentation of the hazardous areas zones
- Equipment selection
- General installation requirements
- Electrical protection
- Record keeping – the Verification Dossier
- Explosion-protection techniques
Operator/ Senior Operator / Engineer / Non Engineer
Presentasi, Diskusi , Brainstorming, Case Study,Evaluasi
Time And Venue
- Hotel Ibis Malioboro ,Yogjakarta
- 21 – 23 Oktober 2019
Investation and Facilitiws
- 7.900.000 (Non Residential, Before Tax 10%)
- Quota minimum 2 participant
- Fasilities : Certificate,Training kits,Lunch,Coffe Break, Souvenir
Tim Instructor
Kunjungi jadwal lainya di : Jadwal Training 2021
Atau Kunjungi website kami di alamat : www.expertindo-training.com
Kunjungi website Lainnya: https://e-trainingonline.com/