In House Training Achievement Motivation PT Hokkan Indonesia

In House Training Achievement Motivation PT Hokkan Indonesia
February 7, 2024 No Comments » In House Training adminweb

PT Expertindo Training yang merupakan salah satu perusahaan training dan consulting terbaik di Indonesia di tanggal 6 dan 7 Februari menggelar in house training dengan judul Achievement Motivation & Attitude Excellent. Training yang diadakan selama dua hari ini diikuti belasan peserta yang berasal dari PT Hokkan Indonesia. PT Hokkan Indonesia memproduksi botol plastik (pet bootle) dan jasa pengisian produk minuman ke dalam kemasan (peeling) dengan menggunakan sistem aseptik (sterilisasi). Adapun pembahasan training yang berlangsung di Bogor Jawa Barat ini adalah sebagai berikut.

Foto In House Training Achievement Motivation PT Hokkan Indonesia

Description & Purpose
This training will focus on developing participants’ mindset, behavior, habits, emotions and personality so they can manage and improve performance through collaboration, discipline, responsibility, integrity, ethics, communication, politeness, dedication and contribution. Developing work culture values that lead to collaborative ways of working that support each other to achieve total institutional performance; understand the relationship between work ethic and employee productivity, as well as the factors that influence work motivation; formulate strategies to build personal quality and competence in their respective environments; and implementing the best work culture and work behavior values.


1. Change in thought patterns/mindset
a. Everyone must change for the better
b. Why should it change, when?
c. Managing change
d. Who should change?
e. Things that prevent people from changing
2. Positive attitude
a. Good vs bad character/behavior
b. The impact of a positive attitude on yourself, others and the company
c. Attitude and its relationship with personal and company image
3. Get to know yourself (knowing yourself)
a. Get to know and understand yourself
b. Weaknesses and strengths
c. Manage thoughts, actions and emotions
4. Work culture
a. Personality that adheres to work culture.
b. Providing greetings to guests
c. Politeness/karma

Untuk jadwal training lainnya selain In House Training Achievement Motivation PT Hokkan Indonesia di atas juga menggelar In House Training yang beritanya dapat dilihat di link berikut => In House Training.

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