Training Procurement & Purchasing Strategy PT Beiersdorf Indonesia

Training Procurement & Purchasing Strategy PT Beiersdorf Indonesia
December 20, 2023 No Comments » Artikel adminweb

PT Expertindo Training yang merupakan salah satu perusahaan training dan consulting terbaik di Indonesia menggelar training berbagai judul secara offline di Yogyakarta periode minggu ketiga Desember 2023. Salah satu training yang berjalan adalah Procurement & Purchasing Strategy dengan peserta yang berasal dari PT Beiersdorf Indonesia. PT Beiersdorf Indonesia, adalah produsen produk perawatan kulit Nivea dan Hansaplast. Adapun pembahasan training yang berlangsung di tanggal 20 dan 21 Desember 2023 dan diisi oleh Ibu Prof. Dr. Ir. Elisa Kusrini, MT sebagai instruktur ini adalah sebagai berikut.

Foto Training Procurement & Purchasing Strategy PT Beiersdorf Indonesia


Business management recognizes the growing complexity and heavy demands of the procurement, purchasing and supply chain operation. Executives need the assurance that their procurement, purchasing and supply chain managers and buyers are adequately trained, reliable, and dedicated to their professions. There is a growing realization in the business world that only professionals can get the job done in a professional manner. The American Academy of certification provides general management a high degree of confidence in the ability and integrity of the people who have been or will be selected to do the job. This course is designed to explore the institutional procurement & purchasing cycle for consumable materials, raw materials, spare parts, and capital assets. Additionally participants will explore and develop a thorough understanding of the supplier/buyer relationship, the benefits of high-quality vendor management systems, and the pitfalls of poorly designed or implemented vendor management systems. The course we will focus in detail on the basic principles, procedures, and policies involved in the organizational function often referred to as Supply Chain Management. At completion of this course, the participants will have the skills to apply the procurement & purchasing management, effectively and efficiently, and make recommendations to increase supply chain competitiveness. The AAPM® certification process, administered by GAFM Board, identifies to the public that those individuals who have been authorized to use the AAPM® certification marks in the globe have met rigorous professional standards and have agreed to adhere to the principles of integrity, objectivity, competence, fairness, confidentiality, professionalism and diligence when dealing with clients.


1. Ruang lingkup Procurement dan purchasing di perusahaan • Procurement and purchasing cycle • Peraturan yang terkait
2. Procurement and Purchasing Principles
3. Supplier Relationship Management • Perbedaan antara SRM dan hubungan tradisional dengan Supplier • Jenis-Jenis relationship dengan Supplier • Mengelola relationship dengan supplier • Proses seleksi dan kualifikasi Supplier • Metode evaluasi kinerja Supplier
4. Metode Sourcing • Identifikasi supplier • Klasifikasi supplier • Bid collection • Metode survey harga • Benchmarking
5. Teknik Menganalisa Penawaran • Membaca quotation serta terms and conditions • Survey lapangan • Sampling produk • Survey pasar • Bid comparison
6. e-Procurement • Konsep e-Procurement • E-Procurement flowchart • Seleksi Vendor IT • Arsitektur System e-Procurement • Interface modul • Security system • Evaluasi current system


1. Lesson 1: Purchasing and Vendor Management
2. Lesson 2: The Purchasing Process
3. Lesson 3: Vendor Relationship Management
4. Lesson 4: Capital Purchases, There’s a Big Difference
5. Lesson 5: Alternate Purchasing Methods
6. Lesson 6: Continuous Improvement in Purchasing and Vendor Management
7. Lesson 7: Income Statement & Balance Sheet Consideration
8. Lesson 8: Contract Management and Closure
9. (including Receipt and Accounting of materials and payment of suppliers’ bills)

Untuk jadwal training lainnya selain Training Procurement & Purchasing Strategy PT Beiersdorf Indonesia di atas juga menggelar In House Training yang beritanya dapat dilihat di link berikut => In House Training.

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